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Cancellation & Refund

Account Fees and Plans

Fees: Usage of a LeadToRev account is subject to a fee, depending on the selected plan. Fees are charged in advance on a monthly or annual basis.

Plan Selection: Upon account sign-up, clients must select a suitable plan. Different rates apply to different plans.

Non-Refundable Fees

Policy: All fees are non-refundable. This includes no refunds or credits for unused portions of an account, partial use, or account deactivation during an ongoing payment interval.

Plan Changes: Clients may upgrade or downgrade plans anytime. Upgrading involves applying any unused portion of prepaid fees to the new plan. Downgrading may result in loss of features, capacity, and client data, but not a refund.

Consulting Services

Additional Fees: Fees for consulting services are specified in the relevant order form or plan and are non-refundable. Clients are responsible for all costs and expenses for on-site consulting services.

Tax Responsibility

Clients are responsible for all taxes, levies, or duties incurred due to the usage of LeadToRev services.

Free Trial

Offer: New clients may be eligible for a free trial, subject to conditions.

Expiration: Post-trial, accounts are automatically deactivated unless upgraded. Clients have 2 weeks post-trial to upgrade; failure to do so may lead to account and data deletion.